
last nite was a nite to rmbr..
thanks u two.. i owe u guyz alot..
u ppl know who u are =)
soo yea last nite was the FIRST time ming has done anything like that.. the influence of some people i tell you... haha. im not complaining was good.. despite the fact my heart was pumping adrenaline the speed of those blardy petrol pumps in the f1's.. and despite the yelping of that stupid stupid dog.. it was a night to rmbr.. =)
i think it was unforgetable being able to see her again..but now i cant help but feeling scared.. i mean everything's fine.. but why do i worry so much? i guess im too paranoid.. or am i.. maybe too much of a good thing is bad?.. i dunno.. but im not rdy to give up on this.. nope.. I mean, yea, maybe the fun of it all has started going down.. but.. is that bad? things starting to turn normal i guess...
i dont know.. i just feel insecure now.. im worried.. im scared..
i guess this will measure us..
both of us..
i dont know whther promises be kept .. mine will.. it always will...
and that gets me back up again...
ANYWAYZ.. yeah.. i just got back from camp.. it was good.. despite the fact that the reception there is HORRIBLE and that its sooooo frigging nice to sleep there.. cept that we cant sleep much.. life i tell u.. the unfairness of it.. lol
the swimming pool was friggin green tho.. good thing i didnt bring my trunks.. bleh...
other than that.. the place was great.. quiet, beautiful, peaceful.. yea.. those kinda places u go to, to get away from things u know? dang it i dowana get away from things xP not right now i dont.. not from her
so yea.. now its a week and a half into the holidays.. i dont know whthr i wanna say i want them to end or not kuz
- i dont want my exam results.. tho i DID dream abt getting 8 A'1s and 1 A2 and a c last nite.. heck knows why..
- i wanna keep slacking and waking up late and going out.. and sleeping.. and eating.. not like i dont do all that during skool but yea...
- i dontt wanna go back to class kuz i have kiasu kiasu ppl as classmates..
- i hate being so far away from her...
on the other hand.. i wanna get back to skool kuz.....
- im rotting at home...
- im gonna have to start studying ANYWAYS...
- im gonna become the family's indonesian maid very soon if this keeps up..
- at least i have something to take my mind of from missing her half the day
its only been 9 hrs.. but i miss her already.. i think i'm really going nutz..
i msgd her an hour ago.. and i dont know why it felt so good the minute she replies.. the minute i see my phone light up.. i light up too...
i feel better thats she's talking to me.. but guilty that i woke her up...
yeah.. ming's going n u t z over this girl...
but he's not complaining..
that much.. =)
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