balik kam-puhhhnggg
heyy peeps.. whtsup? it's the week of hari raya holidays and it's been goood. amazingly, the haze is gone today and we all can breathe a little easier.. ok.. we can breathe.
the only screwed up thing going on now is my friggin xanga blog. ive been trying countless times to post up audio clips but once theyre up, they cant play. frustrating man... sheesh. but that buys u people a little more time before u die from my wailings. bu-hahaha.. movingg onn..
Tuesday was raya day for our fellow malay friends. Lemme just wish a happy belated raya to all of you. And lemme take this chance to apologize for all my wrong doings and ask for your forgiveness this season =)
anywayz.. kdir called me up early in that morning
Kdir : yo dude u up
Ming : i dont know. what dyu think?
Kdir : i'm coming over in a while to drop some stuff at your place. you gonna be home?
Ming : yeah i guess so. what stuff?
Kdir : hahaha, just wait and see.. bukakakaka wah wah wah *toot toot toot*
Ming : HALO? HALO?
ok la.. mebbe the phonecall not EXACTLY like that la but..
he dropped off like 8 friggin boxes of raya food! EIGHT! not one not two not six or seven but EIGHT!! man, i love u la dude.haha.. oh semangat muhibah..
the dude's mother's cooking is god-like.. i spent the whole night stuffing my face with rendang, curry, nasi-something i forgot what, salad, ketupat. mann.. seriously, sometimes malay food makes me feel like being malay.. but when i think about all the fasting. ahaha.. its good la.. chinese dude, malay dude friend.. more food. haha
yes, i ENJOY stuffing my face. if im hungry, im hungry.. so excuse me when i pig out on my food if any of you people take me along for a meal. haha.. unless the occasion calls for it, chances of ming actually eating politely are more or less.. zeroh
speaking about meals..
on Monday, the day before raya ( well yea duh) , my old friend Yih Shin took a few of us out for her bday lunch at Chillies.. oh man, need i say more? wait.. is it chillis or chillies? aha.. wadahek. the day was a blast.. and guess what?
ming took a lala pic thingy. haha xD
the only screwed up thing going on now is my friggin xanga blog. ive been trying countless times to post up audio clips but once theyre up, they cant play. frustrating man... sheesh. but that buys u people a little more time before u die from my wailings. bu-hahaha.. movingg onn..
Tuesday was raya day for our fellow malay friends. Lemme just wish a happy belated raya to all of you. And lemme take this chance to apologize for all my wrong doings and ask for your forgiveness this season =)
anywayz.. kdir called me up early in that morning
Kdir : yo dude u up
Ming : i dont know. what dyu think?
Kdir : i'm coming over in a while to drop some stuff at your place. you gonna be home?
Ming : yeah i guess so. what stuff?
Kdir : hahaha, just wait and see.. bukakakaka wah wah wah *toot toot toot*
Ming : HALO? HALO?
ok la.. mebbe the phonecall not EXACTLY like that la but..
he dropped off like 8 friggin boxes of raya food! EIGHT! not one not two not six or seven but EIGHT!! man, i love u la dude.haha.. oh semangat muhibah..
..oh semangat of inter racial perpaduanmuhibbah..
the dude's mother's cooking is god-like.. i spent the whole night stuffing my face with rendang, curry, nasi-something i forgot what, salad, ketupat. mann.. seriously, sometimes malay food makes me feel like being malay.. but when i think about all the fasting. ahaha.. its good la.. chinese dude, malay dude friend.. more food. haha
yes, i ENJOY stuffing my face. if im hungry, im hungry.. so excuse me when i pig out on my food if any of you people take me along for a meal. haha.. unless the occasion calls for it, chances of ming actually eating politely are more or less.. zeroh
speaking about meals..
on Monday, the day before raya ( well yea duh) , my old friend Yih Shin took a few of us out for her bday lunch at Chillies.. oh man, need i say more? wait.. is it chillis or chillies? aha.. wadahek. the day was a blast.. and guess what?

haha.. well yeah, i dread these small, packed, lala grafittied pics that people carry around in wallets but somehow, i knew my time had come. well, this is a whole other gang of friends i have other than those i usually hang around with, june darren grace and all.. these people are the more.. how shud i put it.. more in touch with their chinese side? haha.. yeap.. if any of ya'll are reading this dont kill me ok? u know i love you people xD haha...
my only regret? i keep wishing i had done this earlier with someone else.. i think i know why people do these.. u wanna know? try taking one and putting it in ur wallet or purse or sth. u'll find urself looking at it again and again.. and smiling everytime u do. or maybe it's just me.
well.. thats all people. time to go burn the bio outta my brains with some games.
mebbe i'll write something more b4 i go..
peace peeps.. ming out
my only regret? i keep wishing i had done this earlier with someone else.. i think i know why people do these.. u wanna know? try taking one and putting it in ur wallet or purse or sth. u'll find urself looking at it again and again.. and smiling everytime u do. or maybe it's just me.
well.. thats all people. time to go burn the bio outta my brains with some games.
mebbe i'll write something more b4 i go..
peace peeps.. ming out
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