hey peeps.. sups?
wow.. my last post was on the 2nd of this month. man it's been long hasnt it? well i guess that's what u get when u have a school that stretches ur exams over a one n a half months period.. n now.. it's been extended to two months plus.. yeah, i still have exams next week till thursday.
why u ask? well, first off, my school started our friggin exams about a week and a half before any other school. then, we had to sit for the setara papers all the other government school have to sit for THEN our school became the black market of all selangor with the leaks of the question papers soo big the teachers are making us sit the whole set of papers again..
how big? well, practically u cud get the paper u were gonna be sitting for and the answer scheme before the exam.. pretty nice huh? my ass la..
i mean.. man, isnt sitting for exams for a whole month and a half enough already? cant u teachers use ur supposedly high intellect to come up with something else rather than torturing us continualy with more papers? sheesh.. 2 months of exams already beats the span of exams of a university.
in a way it's a good thing kuz ive lost almost all interest to get online or anything of the sort. yeah.. blogging included.. i guess this blog's gonna be shut down pretty soon.. if i do get online, i'd just download some songs and check my mail and that wud be it. yeap, time to get a life.. haha
that's about it.. screw the friggin exams.. i gota a friend's bday dinner later and the dear birthday girl requested all boys to dress.. nicely.. mmhmm.. im guessing formal attire la.. blekh.. i hate formal. but it's a bday and well.. friends do things like this for friends.. what the heck. i got a nice tie.. haha
peace people
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