hey sup peeps? as our country head's into our 49th year of independence, it's yet another weekend and yet another few days to sit ourselves in front of our tv set and rot our brains away.. i know i've doin that. haha..
the weekend's been pretty dull, but peaceful due to the fact my lil bro's away at a camp. that leaves me to myself and well, just peace. and thanks to my school's mad exam timetable, i'm gonna be having just that for a while. bm papers on monday, moral on tuesday, then nothing at all till the next tuesday the following week. dont you love my school?
anyways, ikuzo~
its june's birthday today. just finished the sketch ive been doing for her till 1am last nite and later i gota go get it laminated.. lemeenated.. lamb-e-nate-ed... bonded between two sheets of plastic. why all the trouble? well, since it's her last year here and she's been practically the best thing to me.. well.. almost =p why not? i know she'd go thru the same trouble for me.. so yeah, happy 17th bday june! cheers to this new year. u'd better be reading this.
she threw a bash at her place last saturday and i made an effort to actually be in some of the pictures. i really dislike people flashing camera's and i'd ony take a pic if it i was forced to, if i have to, if that someone means something to me.. or if im in the mood to update some pics on friendster. haha. but hey what the heck.. i dont flaunt in front of the cam 24/7 unlike other people who seem to come in chunks on friendster. my usual updates of my pics have a few months intervals between them.. or whenever ther's a camera around and someone is generous enough to photograph hideous me.
saturday.. late afternoon, i get a call from june at around 6pm..
June : oi wher are u? i'm starting to get bored.. faster come
Ming : aik, i thought ur party starts at 7? ok ok.. wait a bit.. coming
June : haha yeah it does but im the bday girl today so everything goes my way.. UNDERSTAND?
Ming : yes boss..
so around 6.20 i reach her place to find out im the only one there.. and only to be greeted by june in her sleeveless and shorts and to be told that im totally overdressed for the party.. i knew i should have just worn some t-shirt and my 3 quarters.. having just came back from her trip to langkawi, june so generously showed me her unique tan she got on her chest. heh heh heh.. oh im screwed on monday.
anyways, we talk and talk and crap and crap and bitch and bitch for quite a while before the first few people arrive. and i manage to convince june to put on the shirt i got for her so it covers up her *ahem* interesting tan.. haha.. hope u love the shirt girl. so yes, thats the shirt she's wearing in the following pics im gna post. anyways as the afternoon draws into the evening, people start arriving and the party begins
from the left.. june, karyan, me, waicheen, darren, er, whatshisname..oh yea, yeh ern! haha.. cheryl and jade.. and yes, it's darren's infamous finger again. yeh ern by far has the most interesting collection of pants ever.. the black and white one he's wearing is probably in the mild category.
from the left.. ee lin, darren, me, su mei, carynn, cheryl, kar yan and wai lum.. i know i look like i just came outta the shower but thats what u get after a whole hour running around like mad hooligans in the golf course next to june's house.. who knew a golf course at night would be so much.. fun? haha.. sashi and i went to tour the golf course with a bunch of girls. man, it was rather entertaining AND fortunate seeing that none of the neighbours called the security even with the girls screaming their heads off. why screaming? oh.. sashi and i are animals. hehehh..
left to right..
top row: jeffrey, chiak kai, donny, khidir, grace, kar yan, wai cheen
2nd row: wei liang, jian, june, tat ren, yeh ern, su mei
the two donkeys on the floor: ming and darren
here's the bunch of football maniacs who decided to watch the ManU and Westham match as soon as it came on and ditch june.. people nowadays i tell you. willing to watch 20+ men running around in shorts chasing a ball during a friends bday party. tsk tsk u people. shame on you. lol.. i think it was the two teams tho.. cant rmbr kuz i didnt care. i dont watch football.. june doesnt either.. but we were here for the sake of a picture anyways..
everything went on till pretty late.. there was tons and tons of food. the parents didnt mind us at all. everyone was estatic except for june's pet cats which were already scared shitless by the bunch of baboons that showed up. we had a blast and eventually it was time to leave. a few last photos were taken, hugs and handshakes exchanged and wishes given to the birthday girl we got outta the house. with the few of us that were legal drivers, we packed ourselves into cars and headed home.
so yeah.. that's probably it. june's 17th birthday party..
some people asked me..
"...ei ming, why didnt you all go to some club or something? u know breakers? soda? get some booze.. some wild partying.. you know, have some real fun.."
real fun? hmm..
i think, real fun is when ur around people u dont have to suck up to, or watch your back. where u dont have to pretend ur something ur not, or talk like ur jaw's dislocated with flowers flying out every now and then. where ur with friends that are real friends. who actually care if ur doing something stupid and not make you do it to feel in. and where u feel like there is no other place in the world u wud be where u'd feel so at home with..
we don't need no dim-lighted place. sure we cud always go to such a place. but for us, real fun is just being with each other doing things we like doing. being us. wouldnt you people agree?
peace people..
and happy birthday june..
the weekend's been pretty dull, but peaceful due to the fact my lil bro's away at a camp. that leaves me to myself and well, just peace. and thanks to my school's mad exam timetable, i'm gonna be having just that for a while. bm papers on monday, moral on tuesday, then nothing at all till the next tuesday the following week. dont you love my school?
anyways, ikuzo~
its june's birthday today. just finished the sketch ive been doing for her till 1am last nite and later i gota go get it laminated.. lemeenated.. lamb-e-nate-ed... bonded between two sheets of plastic. why all the trouble? well, since it's her last year here and she's been practically the best thing to me.. well.. almost =p why not? i know she'd go thru the same trouble for me.. so yeah, happy 17th bday june! cheers to this new year. u'd better be reading this.
she threw a bash at her place last saturday and i made an effort to actually be in some of the pictures. i really dislike people flashing camera's and i'd ony take a pic if it i was forced to, if i have to, if that someone means something to me.. or if im in the mood to update some pics on friendster. haha. but hey what the heck.. i dont flaunt in front of the cam 24/7 unlike other people who seem to come in chunks on friendster. my usual updates of my pics have a few months intervals between them.. or whenever ther's a camera around and someone is generous enough to photograph hideous me.
saturday.. late afternoon, i get a call from june at around 6pm..
June : oi wher are u? i'm starting to get bored.. faster come
Ming : aik, i thought ur party starts at 7? ok ok.. wait a bit.. coming
June : haha yeah it does but im the bday girl today so everything goes my way.. UNDERSTAND?
Ming : yes boss..
so around 6.20 i reach her place to find out im the only one there.. and only to be greeted by june in her sleeveless and shorts and to be told that im totally overdressed for the party.. i knew i should have just worn some t-shirt and my 3 quarters.. having just came back from her trip to langkawi, june so generously showed me her unique tan she got on her chest. heh heh heh.. oh im screwed on monday.
anyways, we talk and talk and crap and crap and bitch and bitch for quite a while before the first few people arrive. and i manage to convince june to put on the shirt i got for her so it covers up her *ahem* interesting tan.. haha.. hope u love the shirt girl. so yes, thats the shirt she's wearing in the following pics im gna post. anyways as the afternoon draws into the evening, people start arriving and the party begins

top row: jeffrey, chiak kai, donny, khidir, grace, kar yan, wai cheen
2nd row: wei liang, jian, june, tat ren, yeh ern, su mei
the two donkeys on the floor: ming and darren
here's the bunch of football maniacs who decided to watch the ManU and Westham match as soon as it came on and ditch june.. people nowadays i tell you. willing to watch 20+ men running around in shorts chasing a ball during a friends bday party. tsk tsk u people. shame on you. lol.. i think it was the two teams tho.. cant rmbr kuz i didnt care. i dont watch football.. june doesnt either.. but we were here for the sake of a picture anyways..
everything went on till pretty late.. there was tons and tons of food. the parents didnt mind us at all. everyone was estatic except for june's pet cats which were already scared shitless by the bunch of baboons that showed up. we had a blast and eventually it was time to leave. a few last photos were taken, hugs and handshakes exchanged and wishes given to the birthday girl we got outta the house. with the few of us that were legal drivers, we packed ourselves into cars and headed home.
so yeah.. that's probably it. june's 17th birthday party..
some people asked me..
"...ei ming, why didnt you all go to some club or something? u know breakers? soda? get some booze.. some wild partying.. you know, have some real fun.."
real fun? hmm..
i think, real fun is when ur around people u dont have to suck up to, or watch your back. where u dont have to pretend ur something ur not, or talk like ur jaw's dislocated with flowers flying out every now and then. where ur with friends that are real friends. who actually care if ur doing something stupid and not make you do it to feel in. and where u feel like there is no other place in the world u wud be where u'd feel so at home with..
we don't need no dim-lighted place. sure we cud always go to such a place. but for us, real fun is just being with each other doing things we like doing. being us. wouldnt you people agree?
peace people..
and happy birthday june..
ur a friend i can always count on
who stayed with me
when the world walked out
my present this year
is a promise
that i'd always be ur buddy
no matter what
no matter when
im superman.. haha
who stayed with me
when the world walked out
my present this year
is a promise
that i'd always be ur buddy
no matter what
no matter when
im superman.. haha
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