Friday, October 27, 2006

the law of emptiness and fulfillment

i have begun to think about
to wonder
and to ponder
about the laws that we dont see
yet govern our lives
stronger than any earthly law
for the things that control us
are not the things that appear in front of us
but the things
that are in us
that we cannot
and will not see..

so i shall list down
these laws..
for everyone to look upon
for we all are the same
and abide by them
no matter who we are
no matter what we want to say about it

to be
worn out
dropped out
around so many yet alone

waking up only to dread the day
wanting to fall back into sleep

the law of Emptiness
is prominent

it feels no mercy
nor guilt
to inflict its spells
on whosoever it feels

on whosoever who is weak at heart
and chases the feeling
of fulfillment but does not seem to find it
not because it isn't there
but because he or she
refuses and does not
see fulfillment

the law of fulfillment
is one that contents
that brings a feeling
of wholeness
and ends searches
it lets you breathe at ease
and sleep knowing everything has been done
to its most perfect state

this law
is like it's arch
yet unseen

for only those who look
with eyes that do not focus upon flaw
upon weaknesses
but focus upon perfection
in inperfectness
will see it

for nothing in this world is perfect
emptiness does not want us to know that
but fulfillment
fills the holes in which
nothing else can

"..whosoever abides by law will gain by it
and whosoever does not..
will perish by it.."


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