so i finally get to get online a good decent half an hour at least for how long? heck knows la.. yeah.. what have i been up to ha? ART. STUPID EFFING PAIN IN THE ASS ART...
havent slept properly for a good few days just to finish up my work till heck knows what time at nite JUST for a bloody dateline that keeps on getting postphoned.. and postphoned.. and postphoned.. assholes i tell u. i do not wanna touch my paintbrush or do anything close to painting anytime soon after im done with this shit i tell you. the bloody pain of it. so for rite now.. screw chapter 3 kuz every single drop of kreativiti or inovasi or wadashiti has been sucked dry right outta my ass.. i'll try and get some pics of my smeared crap on art paper up soon.. but in the mean time...

reading this at 2am in the morning
can throw u off the chair.. haha..
so yea.. who says nothing good comes from reading the newspapers? haha. anyways.. i got myself two new toys for my comp. a nice little microphone and a nice little pair of nice little earphones. haha.. finally. so yea.. most of the time now im using them to record a few songs ive wrote recently and a few i wrote a while ago.. inspiration seems quite abundant now. i got a few people to thank for that.. haha.. and yea, june ur gonna get ur guitar boy playing u a song in the airport.. dun worry. haha.
last tuesday was good.. went out for a mamak session ( yes, session.. these things are serious k x] ) with penny and my long lost sesated life buddy kdir.. man, that guy ah.. aihz.. anyways.. the session went on for much longer than we expected it wud be. by the time i checked my watch it was already 2 in the morning. i called my mom n surprisingly she was all cool with it.. or mebbe she was just too groggy.. so yea, told her i would be spending the nite out with kdir.. left the mamak.. went to penny's and ended up staying at her place cuz kdir's mom sleeping adi cannot open gate for us.. hahaha.. kdir's mom's the bomb la.. wahaha..
so yea.. it went much better than i expected it would.. both of them patched so much stuff up.. all 3 of us had a bloody hell of a fun time lying on the main road at 3am in the morning and crapping till heck knows what time.. man.. the closer it gets to 6am the higeher penny gets.. o_O she was practically skipping around the house flapping her arms trying to fly at the time her dad got up to fetch her to school but found two guys sleeping in the hall and his daughter running around the house instead.. haha.. and damn, her parents are fine with all that.. penny i want ur parents la.. please? =p
yeah.. all patched up between the both of them =) check..
it feels good.. they're good.. all of us are good.. this is good. agreed? agreed.. now i needa get kdir back on his feet again. bloody boarding schools.. dont send ur kids to them.. trust me. unless u want a zombie-fied nerdy lifeless kid send la
cheer's this weekend.. friend from bu4 school wanted me to go to support what was that team.. er.. blitzers i think.. got a couple of ppl from my school going. me? dunno.. got the competitions coming up the same morning anyways. bloody tired. oh, yi ping's back. haha.. no u ppl dun go near her thanks.. u scared her enough last year thankyou. she's got her driving license = i got a new driver. haha.. and we're patching things up as well. man.. she's back for good this time. must have pretty mad in singapore. but ya.. she's working in the gym in ou and that means free passes for me again.. hehe. she keeps saying she owes me something for something and what do i want her to owe me.. i dunno!! what dyu want a girl to owe u? *grins* everyone shutup.. this is not happening
so yeah.. life's good. it'll be better when my art's finally done and i finish my song i wrote for jing.. u ppl who've heard it adi tell me what u think yea? i wanna do it up properly..
aight thats enough.. fingers tired adi
i think i should be meeting up with penny a bit later..
peace ppl
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