just came back from the field playing some frizbee with my brother after i came back from the spending the whole day at the library studying chemistry, talking with marxha and kdir after he came back from his lunch in mel's house after i came back from mine in taman tun with josh, jade, alicia and yehern after the girls were asking the guys whether saggy boobs are bad after we left the library for lunch after we studied a bit in the library after i went to the orthodontist to get that $(*&^@#*&$^@#$ irritating wire outta my right cheek after i woke up today..
have i given u a headache yet? haha..
trials coming up ... N.s list is out.. and so is the timetable for spm.. woohooo.. bloody, my exams start earlier and end later then my classmates kuz of the bloody art papers.. joy. oh and afi, i said i wanted to try writing a short story cerpen thingy.. i didnt say it'll be good right? haha.. notice.. "try".. im not a good story writer i admit.. but u still went on reading all 3 chapters didnt you? hahaha.. its entertaining la. i find it to be.. lol
i went to the mamak with my brother the other night.. i dont really say anything about what im about to post but yeah.. this one was more than what i usually get. so here's what went on. he went in to pay the bill while i stood outside. i felt some bug fly into my hair or something so i flicked my hair to the right to get it out when i noticed a whole table of these college exchange students from china cockstaring me. nothing? nooo.. the whole bloody table of them were girls.. DO YOU KNOW HOW FRIGGIN NERVE WRECKING IT IS WHEN U GET EVEN A GIRL STARING AT YOU? TRY A WHOLE TABLE DAMNIT.. yeah, so i ran into the shop and ask my brother "wei, got anything on my face ar.. got ppl looking at me" nope.. nothing. to make things worse we had to walk pass that same table to get back home.. woo -_____-.. SO.. i have came to a conclusion that i have a sign on my chest that only certain people can read that says
in addition to that my brother treats me like some exhibit.. dont get me wrong, i love my bro. he's great and all.. and im glad he's proud of me as his bro, and im proud of him none the less. but take for example, today, when he had just came back from his project meeting in centerpoint he had a bunch of his friends following him. to be exact, 1 boy 3 girls. he called me out to the field to play frizbee.. so yea, i went la.. brother ma.. so first thing i hear his girlfriends talk to him and all..
"eh eh mingyue, ur brother issit? really ar? ooooooooo.."
then who, his mother ah.. then they continue the whole time so happily watching us play frizbee.. how i know arh? these girls dam chun one.. when i look at them to check whthr they looking they just stare back and smile.. STARE..
i dont wanna be a paedophile.. padefile.. pa-doh-file..
I DONT LIKE YOUNGER GIRLS! Lol.. my spelling's like shit.. dont get me wrong.. im not THAT xP full of myself to post all this up.. i posted it now because it was really disturbing this time =S im serious..
life house - take me away
it seems that i always have something to do with a lifehouse song.. lol.. well not really but it sucks listening to it sometimes.. sometimes its sweet. ive found that when the band gets a gig.. its nvr the same performing already. sure it's fun. but ive felt what it's like performing a song for someone down in the crowd watching you..
the feeling's incomparable.. uncomparable.. u get what i mean
and.. i found a small note i put in my planner some time ago.. it's something i was planning out if i got to bring her to my place.. i planned a day-evening-nite at my place.. it goes something like this
put a dvd on
and pile the couch with pillows and a blanket to huddle up
order a pizza or sth
dim the lights down when it gets dark
put the cd in..
play lifehouse's Everything
Utada Hikaru's First love
Enrique's Hero
take her by the hand for a slowdance.. or whatever we can make outta it..lol.
tell her how much she means to me
and let the night slip away..
and pile the couch with pillows and a blanket to huddle up
order a pizza or sth
dim the lights down when it gets dark
put the cd in..
play lifehouse's Everything
Utada Hikaru's First love
Enrique's Hero
take her by the hand for a slowdance.. or whatever we can make outta it..lol.
tell her how much she means to me
and let the night slip away..
didnt really plan how she was gonna get home tho.. but im sure i could have found a way. do i pass as a guy trying to plan an evening? haha.. quite weird for minghan to do something like this rite.. deal with it. haha.. but sadly it didnt come to pass.. so yeah.. bbye paper..
and now, before i go get dinner before i study my addmath..lol.. im gonna say something that i think is gonna make every single one of youz whack my bloody head first thing monday
screw me for dillying on the past. if like it, i do it.
i miss her
kdir, june.. u still love me rite? lol
oh cool i didnt kena ns =D
gua pigi baca buku dulu.. babai
eh..so funny man ur day!! haha..why lah perasan so much when girls stare at you? lol, lala mui-ming han..now tht's a first!! hahaha, maybe it's like saying, it's time to cut your hair!! :p
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