hey peeps.. and haha, the last post sparked of some talk again hasnt it? lol.. just so you pat-kongs, pat-pohs ( is that how u spell it? i havent the slightest idea ) or some of u plain curios what-the-whack-is-he-writing people know, i dont need any reason to post up SONG lyrics do i? haha.. it's A Year From Now by Across Five Aprils. A rather interesting and deep song that my dear June introduced to me.
Posted the lyrics up kuz i didnt have any time to post anything else and i thought the song was worthy of public affection kuz it's not shallow like songs on the radio these days that talk about.. wad? dancing with lions, newspapermen, getting to know supermodels.. etc.. etc.. so yea, it's not that im friggin emo or into someone, heck im friggin glad im outta it. the song's nice and it's a rather good change from what we hear nowadays. does that please ur ears my dear friends? dun worry abt me.. i'm fine =)
and on the side note, i find it totally amusing what some freaking mentally retarded people might be doing or thinking while reading this blog of mine. some people are so full of themselves arent they? kasihan ma, dont grow up of course lo. if it's so unpleasent, i dont remember asking any of you to read it. screw off please.. ur more than welcome to =) sigh, sad sad people.. internet i.p. adresses are so easy to track these days wudnt u people agree? har har.. and a big thanks to u ppl who've informed me abt all this.
besides the fact that our school's throwing papers after countless papers of exams at us, life's pretty much fine.. had a blast at june's bday the other night. i'll get a few pics up of it soon enough
other than that, ive been playing around in 1U..
man, it's like someone let loose a herd.. no. a freaking stampede of girls into the shopping malls last week's holidays. and it's not only 1U getting it. no, i'm not complaining. just very pleasantly surprised, haha. sure it's great that girls are everywhere.. sweet eyecandy no?
funny thing was.. where are the all guys? seriously.. it's not that i was looking for them, it was just too obvious there were hardly any around. man, so im guessing it IS true that the population of guys in the world is declining.. whats the current ratio again? 4 girls to one guy?
scary? or just plain sweet? all i can say is more for the rest of us then.. haha

and yea, her name's picky.. hands down. undeniably it's a very out of the ordinary name but after a while it gets catchy.. haha. anyways, she's been nothing but an angel la.. a rather perculiar one but nvrtheless sweet. haha. the other nite i was up studying for history and my hp beeps with her msg at 1am. haha.. its kinda hard to find people u barely know that are willing to teman u into the early morning with perky msgs isnt it? haha.. thanks picky. dont u horny bugga's go sucking up to her now.
anyways, sleep calls.. my eyes are way past dying.. and i got beautiful physics later and probably the merdeka bash at the curve later tonite.. woohoo! celebrate merdeka? haha.. puh leez.. xD
peace people